Friday, August 16, 2013

Tend the "Fire"

Watch the video at the above address.
While you are watching the video, try to count and list as many of the events mentioned as you can. View the video as often as you need to in order to be able to list at least 10 of the events mentioned.Once the video is completed, pick three of the events and find out the details surrounding each of them.  Include the following information:

  • Date (Month and Year)
  • Explanation of event - What happened, where did this event take place, who was involved, what were the consequences or the response to the event.
  • Your thoughts about the event - Was it newsworthy, would you have been concerned about the event, do you think the event will be remembered in fifty years.
Last, choose a current event that we have studied in class and create a new line to add to the song. Use the same rhythm or pattern to express your event. Bring these to class and we will attempt to put them together to create new verses.